Devět mužských sborů / Nine Male Choruses, Op. 37 20:23
1 1. Oráč / The Ploughman 3:02
2 2. Mé orné půdy každý hon / Of My Field Each Single Tract 1:01
3 3. Píseň jarní / The Song of Spring 1:58
4 4. Velké, širé, rodné lány / My Homeland's Glorious, Sweeping Fields 1:54
5 5. Polní cestou / Along the Field Path 2:38
6 6. Skřivánkovi / For the Skylark 3:06
7 7. Z osudu rukou / From the Hands of Fate 2:07
8 8. Stav si, vlaštovičko / Come Build, Sweet Swallow 1:26
9 9. Když jsme se loučili / As We Did Part 2:43
Sluncem a stínem / In Sunlight and in Shadow, Op. 118 * (except The Dnieper) 18:15
10 1. Slavnostní sbor / Solemn Chorus 2:03
11 2. Světelná nit / Thread of Light 1:59
12 3. Hvězdnatá noc / Starry Night 2:32
13 4. Byls kotvou miliónů / To Millions You Have Been Anchor 2:13
14 5. Kristus / Christ 1:54
15 6. Z památníku / Scrapbook Entry 1:27
16 7. Havířská / Miner´s Song 2:52
17 8. Dněpr / The Dnieper 2:50
Matičce / For My Dear Mother, Op. 164 * 5:43
18 I. Proto mně drahá tak / Ever So Dear to Me 2:20
19 II. Ze všeho jediná / Of All I Had You Alone 1:05
20 III. Nic nemáš víc / Now You Have Nothing 2:11
21 Svatý Václave! / Saint Wenceslas!, Op. 76b No. 2 4:29
Čtyři mariánské sbory mužské / Four Marian Male Choruses, Op. 94 * 6:33
22 1. Ave Maria (in G) 1:56
23 2. Sancta Maria 1:21
24 3. Ave Maria (in D) 1:13
25 4. Ave Maria (in A) 1:50
Sborové písně / Choral Songs, Op. 145a * 6:00
26 1. Účet / My Account 1:21
27 2. Co bývalo, není / What Once Was Is No More 1:16
28 3. Ovčák / Shepherd 0:50
29 4. Kmotr Poseděl / Old Gaffer Stayover 1:12
30 5. Svatojanská muška / Firefly 1:09
Čtvrtá kytka mužských sborových písní / The Fourth Bunch of Male Choral Songs, Op. 145d * 7:52
31 1. Pan vrchní / Bailiff 1:01
32 2. Odbytý / Rejected Suitor 1:05
33 3. Tvrdá hlavička / Stubborn Girl 2:11
34 4. Dooráno / Ploughing Done 2:00
35 5. A to milování / Why Is Love Like That 1:25
Total Time 69:46
BONIFANTES Boys' and Men's Choir
Choirmaster JAN MÍŠEK
The Czech composer Josef Bohuslav Foerster (1859-1951) earned a wide attention thanks to his production of choral works. In Hamburg in the years 1894-7 he wrote his most famous choral cycle – Nine Male Choruses, Op. 37 - which is followed on this CD with several varied choral collections – serious In Sunlight and in Shadow, emotional For My Dear Mother, pious Four Marian Male Choruses and humorous Choral Songs and The Fourth Bunch of Male Choral Songs. Here you will also find a plea to Bohemia´s patron saint, Saint Wenceslas.
The Bonifantes Boys´ and Men´s Choir, formed in 1999, toured already in many states of Europe and the USA and won a lot of medals together with its founder and choirmaster Jan Míšek who, after realizing the Dvořák 12 male chorus recording premieres for his anniversary in 2004, prepared for the Foerster anniversary CD 24 other ones.
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