Books, Posters, Sheet Music, Postcards
Sagen aus dem alten Prag nach der Uberlieferung erzahlt von Magdalena Wagnerova (2014)
- Producer: Plot
- Catalogue number: 8086523859
- Delivery time (days): in stock
- EAN: 9788086523859
11,50 EUR
Old Prague Legends - Based on legends handed down through the ages and retold by Wagnerova
- Producer: Plot
- Catalogue number: 8086523873
- Delivery time (days): in stock
- EAN: 9788086523873
11,50 EUR
- Last copies
HIS VOICE 3/2014 časopis o jiné hudbě (v češtine) music magazine in Czech)
- Producer: HIS
- Catalogue number: HISV032014
- Delivery time (days): in stock
- Last copies
HIS VOICE 4/2014 časopis o jiné hudbě (v češtině) + BONUS CD AJZNBON - PRAŽSKÉ VLAKY
- Producer: HIS
- Catalogue number: HISV042014
- Delivery time (days): in stock
- Last copies
HIS VOICE 1/2015 časopis o jiné hudbě (v češtine) / magazine in Czech
- Producer: HIS
- Catalogue number: HISV012015
- Delivery time (days): in stock
- Last copies
HIS VOICE 5+6/2014 časopis o jiné hudbě (v češtině) + BONUS CD LATVIAN VOICE
- Producer: HIS
- Catalogue number: HISV562014
- Delivery time (days): in stock
- Last copies
Rok ve Slaném / A Year in Slaný - Kniha o životě v Královském městě Slaný / A Year Book
- Producer: Other labels
- Catalogue number: KPW0169532
- Delivery time (days): in stock
10 EUR
- Last copies
V naději Boží Mistři Hus Jan a Jeroným (1380–1620) / S.Předota tenor, Dyškanti
- Producer: Other labels
- Catalogue number: 9788087773390
- Delivery time (days): in stock
- EAN: 9788087773390
17 EUR
Leggende della Praga vecchia - Basato sulle leggende tramandate nel corso dei secoli
- Producer: Plot
- Catalogue number: 8074282782
- Delivery time (days): in stock
- EAN: 9788074282782
11,50 EUR
Příběhy starých pražských domů - Magdalena Wagnerová
- Producer: Plot
- Catalogue number: 9788074281969
- Delivery time (days): in stock
- EAN: 9788074281969
11,50 EUR
Postcard Antonín Dvořák / pohlednice Antonín Dvořák
- Producer: Other labels
- Catalogue number: MGODVORAK
- Delivery time (days): in stock
Postcard Leoš Janáček / pohlednice Leoš Janáček
- Producer: Other labels
- Catalogue number: MGOJANACEK
- Delivery time (days): in stock
Postcard Josef Krejčí / pohlednice Josef Krejčí
- Producer: Other labels
- Catalogue number: MGOKREJCI
- Delivery time (days): in stock
Postcard Bohuslav Martinů / pohlednice Bohuslav Martinů
- Producer: Other labels
- Catalogue number: MGOMARTINU
- Delivery time (days): in stock
Postcard Bedřich Smetana / pohlednice Bedřich Smetana
- Producer: Other labels
- Catalogue number: MGOSMETANA
- Delivery time (days): in stock
Tales of Old Prague Houses by Magdalena Wagnerová
- Producer: Plot
- Catalogue number: 9788074283024
- Delivery time (days): in stock
- EAN: 9788074283024
13 EUR
Hudba ve spirále / Music in a groove - kniha + CD / book + CD (recordings 1903-1908)
- Producer: Other labels
- Catalogue number: 978-80-7037-244-9
- Delivery time (days): in stock
17 EUR
Sešit / Notebook Praha - Pohled na Malou Stranu s Karlovým mostem + Pražské mosty
- Producer: Other labels
- Catalogue number: 8595056416933
- Delivery time (days): in stock
- EAN: 8595056416933
5,50 EUR
Old Prague Legends - Based on legends handed down through the ages and retold by Wagnerova
- Producer: Plot
- Catalogue number: 9788074283062
- Delivery time (days): in stock
- EAN: 9788074283062
11,50 EUR